Asahi Rubber INC.

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Medium-term Management Plan


14th Medium-Term Management Policy

Medium-Term Management Plan Strategy

Medium-Term Management Goals

Medium-Term Management Goals

Improve engagement

EX(Employee experience) is aboutputting smiles on the faces of everyone, thisincludes employees, families, and the localcommunity.
CX (Customer experience) is ourbusiness.
This CX is where we look at whetherthe thing is really useful with thecustomer and with society, andwhether there is value in somethingthat will lead to the future. If there isan imbalance between the two, wewill not be able to move forward. Byworking together to enhance the powerof both sides, we will be able toincrease engagement, make the mostof human resources, and increasebusiness value and growth.

Medium Term business plan core elements

  • Business Field
  • Employee Engagement
  • Production bases and overseas offices