3D Solution Services
We will cast your requests and ideas into shape by full use of digital tools. We conduct the fastest response, the earliest delivery and reasonable.
Don’t you have this kind of problems?
“Want to make a desirable shape”, “expensive”, “take a long time to complete”, etc.
We will support you in resolving your concerns with Asahi Rubber.
Product and Mold Design Technologies
We will propose the optimum product shape according to your request.
If it is a simple shape, we can make the resin mold by 3D printer.
Shape and Structural Analysis Technologies
Data analysis will be conducted using our unique technologies for optimized products.”
Manufacturing Technologies
We deliver reliable quality to you in the earliest.
Service image
We will confirm your requests from your ideas or drawings.
We will propose the optimum shape from our plentiful technical data.
We analize stress, heat transfer, fluids, etc. by full use of our unique material data.
we make the resin mold by 3D printer based on our analysis, product and mold design technologies.
We will produce samples made of liquid silicone using resin mold.